Banning the email domains completely also specific email address. Why it is essentials now a days disposable email domains are serious heck to the site owners to conclude that user is authentic. Once you install this add-on we prefill set of disposable email domains//public email domains to avoid entering specific domain one by one.
We also provide specific email address to ban, for example some user email was used to subscribe continuously, what will be the best option to avoid this situation. We think this Add-on will solve this problem. It keep check with banned email domains and specific email address and if problem triggers we will show error message based on configuration.
Minimum Requiremets
- PHP 5.3 or above
- WordPress 4.7 or above
- WooCommerce 2.6 or above
- Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce 1.0 or above
Installation for Ban Email Add-on can done by manual process. After your successful purchase you can able to download Ban Email add-on in zip file format. You can simply upload the zip file to wordpress by the following process
- Go to Admin Dashboard Navigate it to Plugins -> Add New
- In there click Upload Plugin -> Select your Downloaded Zip File of Ban Email Add-on
- Install and Activate it
- Go to Instock Notifier -> Settings -> Ban Email Settings(section) for further customization
Version 1.0
-Initial Release